Water Baptism Application
To the glory of God the Father we baptize you into the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ that you might rise and walk in the newness of life through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Rhema Christian Center holds Water Baptism the fifth Sunday of each quarter in the Main Sanctuary. Please report to the Church thirty minutes before the service begins. Please bring dry clothes to change into, after baptism. We provide the Baptismal garments.
All children under the age of ten (10) must be interviewed by Stephanie Goldsmith before they can be baptized. All children under the age of thirteen (13) will need a parent or legal guardian to indicate their approval included on this form before it is submited.
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Rhema Christian Center operates by identifying, training, maturing and releasing God’s people to reach the lost, to build up His body and change our world. Giving God all the glory He deserves.