Come Visit And Worship With Us
There is a lot of great information on this site, but we also realize that information is not necessarily what will change your life or your circumstances. There is always someone at Rhema who is willing to help. You are only a phone call, email, or an in-person visit away from speaking with someone who has experienced the help and hope that Christ can bring into your life. We’re fans of creativity and biblical truth and we present them in relevant ways that apply to everyday life. We look forward to the privilege of sharing life together with you.
2100 Agler Road
P.O. Box 247198
Columbus, OH 43224
Streaming every Saturday 6pm, Sunday 8am & Sunday 11am.
In Person services Saturday & Sunday at 9:30am only.
Ph (+1) (614) 471-9673
Fx (+1) (614) 471-7665