The young church became the proud owner of a new home with the purchase of the property at 2116 Agler Road in 1989 (formally owned by Christian Assembly). Membership quickly increased to 500 and three worship services became a necessity, in addition to the Sunday and Wednesday evening services.
The transformation of the ministry, from its rapid physical growth due to the teaching of God’s word with clarity, was further enhanced by the sharpening of the spiritual vision. Elders were installed and trained to listen to the voice of God in order to equip the people of God. Capable Deacons were appointed to the task of serving the body at Rhema Christian Center.
Our Story
Before the initial gathering of seven individuals, came the vision for Rhema Christian Center, which was to be a place where the Word of God would empower people to serve.
A clear vision was given to La Fayette Scales:
“I saw a large group of people from many walks of life. They were all lifting their hands in praise to God. I saw black hands, white hands, yellow hands and brown hands. The faces of these people were radiant. When I looked closer, I saw that they were all dressed differently. Some were in casual clothes. Some wore business suits and elegant dresses. Others had on jogging outfits with tennis shoes. But the one thing they had in common was their love for Jesus and their desire to worship Him. They were all carrying Bibles.
“Who are these people, Lord?”
“This is my church,” He replied.
“Where is this taking placing”?
“Right here in Columbus”.
“And when will this be, Lord?”
“When you are totally obedient to me, My son.”
This was to be a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic and socially diverse group: a unique fellowship of believers and community of faith, God charged one humble man, to raise up a work in Columbus, Ohio that would reach people and touch lives all around the world.
La Fayette did not hesitate to answer to God’s invitation to commitment. La Fayette placed only one condition on his promise of obedience. “Lord, if you will make your will perfectly clear to me, whatever you ask. I will do it.” He declared that the mission of this new work was ‘to equip the people of God for the work of the ministry’ as stated in Ephesians 4:11-16 and the foundation for all teaching and ministry.
Rhema Christian Center was birthed out of the mind of God, into the heart of Bishop La Fayette Scales.